ryxeo-glpi-git / inc / contract.function.php @ b67d8923
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (30,6 ko)
1 | b67d8923 | Eric Seigne | <?php
2 | /*
3 | * @version $Id: contract.function.php 7875 2009-01-23 15:16:47Z moyo $
4 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 | GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
6 | Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by the INDEPNET Development Team.
7 | |||
8 | http://indepnet.net/ http://glpi-project.org
9 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 | |||
12 | |||
13 | This file is part of GLPI.
14 | |||
15 | GLPI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
18 | (at your option) any later version.
19 | |||
20 | GLPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 | GNU General Public License for more details.
24 | |||
25 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 | along with GLPI; if not, write to the Free Software
27 | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
28 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 | */
30 | |||
31 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
32 | // Original Author of file: Julien Dombre
33 | // Purpose of file:
34 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
35 | |||
36 | if (!defined('GLPI_ROOT')){ |
37 | die("Sorry. You can't access directly to this file"); |
38 | } |
39 | |||
40 | |||
41 | |||
42 | |||
43 | /**
44 | * Show central contract resume
45 | * HTML array
46 | *
47 | *
48 | * @return Nothing (display)
49 | *
50 | **/
51 | function showCentralContract(){ |
52 | |||
53 | global $DB,$CFG_GLPI, $LANG; |
54 | |||
55 | if (!haveRight("contract_infocom","r")) return false; |
56 | |||
57 | // No recursive contract, not in local management
58 | |||
59 | // contrats echus depuis moins de 30j
60 | $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM glpi_contracts WHERE glpi_contracts.deleted='0' ".getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND","glpi_contracts")." AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL glpi_contracts.duration MONTH),CURDATE() )>-30 AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL glpi_contracts.duration MONTH),CURDATE() )<0"; |
61 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
62 | $contract0=$DB->result($result,0,0); |
63 | |||
64 | |||
65 | // contrats echeance j-7
66 | $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM glpi_contracts WHERE glpi_contracts.deleted='0' ".getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND","glpi_contracts")." AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL glpi_contracts.duration MONTH),CURDATE() )>0 AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL glpi_contracts.duration MONTH),CURDATE() )<=7"; |
67 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
68 | $contract7= $DB->result($result,0,0); |
69 | |||
70 | |||
71 | // contrats echeance j -30
72 | $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM glpi_contracts WHERE glpi_contracts.deleted='0' ".getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND","glpi_contracts")." AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL glpi_contracts.duration MONTH),CURDATE() )>7 AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL glpi_contracts.duration MONTH),CURDATE() )<30"; |
73 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
74 | $contract30= $DB->result($result,0,0); |
75 | |||
76 | |||
77 | // contrats avec préavis echeance j-7
78 | $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM glpi_contracts WHERE glpi_contracts.deleted='0' ".getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND","glpi_contracts")." AND glpi_contracts.notice<>0 AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL (glpi_contracts.duration-glpi_contracts.notice) MONTH),CURDATE() )>0 AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL(glpi_contracts.duration-glpi_contracts.notice) MONTH),CURDATE() )<=7"; |
79 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
80 | $contractpre7= $DB->result($result,0,0); |
81 | |||
82 | |||
83 | // contrats avec préavis echeance j -30
84 | $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM glpi_contracts WHERE glpi_contracts.deleted='0'".getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND","glpi_contracts")." AND glpi_contracts.notice<>0 AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL (glpi_contracts.duration-glpi_contracts.notice) MONTH),CURDATE() )>7 AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL (glpi_contracts.duration-glpi_contracts.notice) MONTH),CURDATE() )<30"; |
85 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
86 | $contractpre30= $DB->result($result,0,0); |
87 | |||
88 | |||
89 | |||
90 | echo "<table class='tab_cadrehov' style='text-align:center'>"; |
91 | |||
92 | echo "<tr><th colspan='2'><a href=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.php?reset=reset_before\">".$LANG["financial"][1]."</a></th></tr>"; |
93 | |||
94 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; |
95 | echo "<td><a href=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.php?reset_before=1&glpisearchcount=2&sort=12&order=DESC&start=0&field[0]=12&field[1]=12&link[1]=AND&contains[0]=%3C0&contains[1]=%3E-30\">".$LANG["financial"][93]."</a> </td>"; |
96 | echo "<td>$contract0</td></tr>"; |
97 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; |
98 | echo "<td><a href=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.php?reset_before=1&glpisearchcount=2&contains%5B0%5D=%3E0&field%5B0%5D=12&link%5B1%5D=AND&contains%5B1%5D=%3C7&field%5B1%5D=12&sort=12&deleted=0&start=0\">".$LANG["financial"][94]."</a></td>"; |
99 | echo "<td>".$contract7."</td></tr>"; |
100 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; |
101 | echo "<td><a href=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.php?reset_before=1&glpisearchcount=2&contains%5B0%5D=%3E6&field%5B0%5D=12&link%5B1%5D=AND&contains%5B1%5D=%3C30&field%5B1%5D=12&sort=12&deleted=0&start=0\">".$LANG["financial"][95]."</a></td>"; |
102 | echo "<td>".$contract30."</td></tr>"; |
103 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; |
104 | echo "<td><a href=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.php?reset_before=1&glpisearchcount=2&contains%5B0%5D=%3E0&field%5B0%5D=13&link%5B1%5D=AND&contains%5B1%5D=%3C7&field%5B1%5D=13&sort=12&deleted=0&start=0\">".$LANG["financial"][96]."</a></td>"; |
105 | echo "<td>".$contractpre7."</td></tr>"; |
106 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; |
107 | echo "<td><a href=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.php?reset_before=1&glpisearchcount=2&sort=13&order=DESC&start=0&field[0]=13&field[1]=13&link[1]=AND&contains[0]=%3E6&contains[1]=%3C30\">".$LANG["financial"][97]."</a></td>"; |
108 | echo "<td>".$contractpre30."</td></tr>"; |
109 | |||
110 | echo "</table>"; |
111 | |||
112 | |||
113 | } |
114 | |||
115 | |||
116 | |||
117 | /**
118 | * Print the HTML array for contract on devices
119 | *
120 | * Print the HTML array for contract on devices $instID
121 | *
122 | *@param $instID array : Contract identifier.
123 | *
124 | *@return Nothing (display)
125 | *
126 | **/
127 | function showDeviceContract($instID) { |
129 | |||
130 | if (!haveRight("contract_infocom","r")) return false; |
131 | $contract=new Contract(); |
132 | $canedit=$contract->can($instID,'w'); |
133 | $query = "SELECT DISTINCT device_type FROM glpi_contract_device WHERE glpi_contract_device.FK_contract = '$instID' order by device_type"; |
134 | |||
135 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
136 | $number = $DB->numrows($result); |
137 | $i = 0; |
138 | |||
139 | echo "<br><br><div class='center'><table class='tab_cadrehov'>"; |
140 | echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>"; |
141 | printPagerForm($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); |
142 | echo "</th><th colspan='".($canedit ? 4 : 3) ."'>".$LANG["document"][19].":</th></tr>"; |
143 | if ($canedit) { |
144 | echo "</table>"; |
145 | echo "</div>"; |
146 | |||
147 | echo "<form method='post' name='contract_form' id='contract_form' action=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.form.php\">"; |
148 | echo "<div class='center'>"; |
149 | echo "<table class='tab_cadrehov'>"; |
150 | // massive action checkbox
151 | echo "<tr><th> </th>"; |
152 | } else {
153 | echo "<tr>"; |
154 | } |
155 | echo "<th>".$LANG["common"][16]."</th>"; |
156 | echo "<th>".$LANG["entity"][0]."</th>"; |
157 | echo "<th>".$LANG["common"][17]."</th>"; |
158 | echo "<th>".$LANG["common"][19]."</th>"; |
159 | echo "<th>".$LANG["common"][20]."</th></tr>"; |
160 | |||
161 | $ci=new CommonItem; |
162 | while ($i < $number) { |
163 | $type=$DB->result($result, $i, "device_type"); |
164 | |||
165 | if (haveTypeRight($type,"r")){ |
166 | $query = "SELECT ".$LINK_ID_TABLE[$type].".*, glpi_contract_device.ID AS IDD, glpi_entities.ID AS entity" |
167 | ." FROM glpi_contract_device, " .$LINK_ID_TABLE[$type] |
168 | ." LEFT JOIN glpi_entities ON (".$LINK_ID_TABLE[$type].".FK_entities=glpi_entities.ID)" |
169 | ." WHERE ".$LINK_ID_TABLE[$type].".ID = glpi_contract_device.FK_device AND glpi_contract_device.device_type='$type' AND glpi_contract_device.FK_contract = '$instID'"; |
170 | if (in_array($LINK_ID_TABLE[$type],$CFG_GLPI["template_tables"])){ |
171 | $query.=" AND ".$LINK_ID_TABLE[$type].".is_template='0'"; |
172 | } |
173 | $query .= getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND",$LINK_ID_TABLE[$type]) |
174 | ." ORDER BY glpi_entities.completename, ".$LINK_ID_TABLE[$type].".name"; |
175 | |||
176 | $result_linked=$DB->query($query); |
177 | $nb=$DB->numrows($result_linked); |
178 | if ($nb>$_SESSION["glpilist_limit"] && isset($SEARCH_PAGES["$type"])) { |
179 | $ci->setType($type); |
180 | |||
181 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; |
182 | if ($canedit) { |
183 | echo "<td> </td>"; |
184 | } |
185 | echo "<td class='center' colspan='2'><a href='" |
186 | . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/".$SEARCH_PAGES["$type"] . "?" . rawurlencode("contains[0]") . "=" . rawurlencode('$$$$'.$instID) . "&" . rawurlencode("field[0]") . "=29&sort=80&order=ASC&deleted=0&start=0" |
187 | . "'>" . $LANG["reports"][57]."</a></td>"; |
188 | echo "<td class='center'>".$ci->getType()."<br>$nb</td>"; |
189 | |||
190 | echo "<td class='center'>-</td><td class='center'>-</td></tr>"; |
191 | } else if ($nb>0){ |
192 | $ci->setType($type); |
193 | for ($prem=true ; $data=$DB->fetch_assoc($result_linked) ; $prem=false){ |
194 | $ID=""; |
195 | if($CFG_GLPI["view_ID"]||empty($data["name"])) $ID= " (".$data["ID"].")"; |
196 | $name= "<a href=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/".$INFOFORM_PAGES[$type]."?ID=".$data["ID"]."\">".$data["name"]."$ID</a>"; |
197 | |||
198 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; |
199 | |||
200 | if ($canedit){ |
201 | $sel=""; |
202 | if (isset($_GET["select"])&&$_GET["select"]=="all") $sel="checked"; |
203 | echo "<td width='10'><input type='checkbox' name='item[".$data["IDD"]."]' value='1' $sel></td>"; |
204 | } |
205 | |||
206 | echo "<td class='center' ".(isset($data['deleted'])&&$data['deleted']?"class='tab_bg_2_2'":"").">".$name."</td>"; |
207 | echo "<td>".getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$data['entity'])."</td>"; |
208 | if ($prem) { |
209 | echo "<td class='center' rowspan='$nb' valign='top'>".$ci->getType(). |
210 | ($nb>1?"<br>$nb</td>":"</td>"); |
211 | } |
212 | echo "<td class='center'>".(isset($data["serial"])? "".$data["serial"]."" :"-")."</td>"; |
213 | echo "<td class='center'>".(isset($data["otherserial"])? "".$data["otherserial"]."" :"-")."</td>"; |
214 | |||
215 | echo "</tr>"; |
216 | } |
217 | } |
218 | } |
219 | $i++;
220 | } |
221 | if ($canedit){ |
222 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td colspan='4' class='right'>"; |
223 | echo "<div class='software-instal'><input type='hidden' name='conID' value='$instID'>"; |
224 | dropdownAllItems("item",0,0,($contract->fields['recursive']?-1:$contract->fields['FK_entities'])); |
225 | echo "</div></td><td class='center'><input type='submit' name='additem' value=\"".$LANG["buttons"][8]."\" class='submit'>"; |
226 | echo "<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='$instID'>"; |
227 | echo "</td><td> </td>"; |
228 | echo "</tr>"; |
229 | echo "</table></div>" ; |
230 | |||
231 | echo "<div class='center'>"; |
232 | echo "<table width='950px'>"; |
233 | echo "<tr><td><img src=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/arrow-left.png\" alt=''></td><td class='center'><a onclick= \"if ( markAllRows('contract_form') ) return false;\" href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?ID=$instID&select=all'>".$LANG["buttons"][18]."</a></td>"; |
234 | |||
235 | echo "<td>/</td><td class='center'><a onclick= \"if ( unMarkAllRows('contract_form') ) return false;\" href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?ID=$instID&select=none'>".$LANG["buttons"][19]."</a>"; |
236 | echo "</td><td align='left' width='80%'>"; |
237 | echo "<input type='submit' name='deleteitem' value=\"".$LANG["buttons"][6]."\" class='submit'>"; |
238 | echo "</td>"; |
239 | echo "</table>"; |
240 | echo "</div>"; |
241 | echo "</form>"; |
242 | |||
243 | } else {
244 | echo "</table></div>"; |
245 | } |
246 | |||
247 | } |
248 | |||
249 | /**
250 | * Link a contract to a device
251 | *
252 | * Link the contract $conID to the device $ID witch device type is $type.
253 | *
254 | *@param $conID integer : contract identifier.
255 | *@param $type integer : device type identifier.
256 | *@param $ID integer : device identifier.
257 | *
258 | *@return Nothing ()
259 | *
260 | **/
261 | function addDeviceContract($conID,$type,$ID){ |
262 | global $DB; |
263 | |||
264 | if ($ID>0&&$conID>0){ |
265 | |||
266 | $query="INSERT INTO glpi_contract_device (FK_contract,FK_device, device_type ) VALUES ('$conID','$ID','$type');"; |
267 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
268 | } |
269 | } |
270 | |||
271 | /**
272 | * Delete a contract device
273 | *
274 | * Delete the contract device $ID
275 | *
276 | *@param $ID integer : contract device identifier.
277 | *
278 | *@return Nothing ()
279 | *
280 | **/
281 | function deleteDeviceContract($ID){ |
282 | |||
283 | global $DB; |
284 | $query="DELETE FROM glpi_contract_device WHERE ID= '$ID';"; |
285 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
286 | } |
287 | |||
288 | /**
289 | * Print the HTML array for contract on entreprises
290 | *
291 | * Print the HTML array for contract on entreprises for contract $instID
292 | *
293 | *@param $instID array : Contract identifier.
294 | *
295 | *@return Nothing (display)
296 | *
297 | **/
298 | function showEnterpriseContract($instID) { |
299 | global $DB,$CFG_GLPI, $LANG,$CFG_GLPI; |
300 | |||
301 | if (!haveRight("contract_infocom","r")||!haveRight("contact_enterprise","r")) return false; |
302 | $contract=new Contract(); |
303 | $canedit=$contract->can($instID,'w'); |
304 | |||
305 | $query = "SELECT glpi_contract_enterprise.ID as ID, glpi_enterprises.ID as entID, glpi_enterprises.name as name, glpi_enterprises.website as website, " |
306 | . " glpi_enterprises.phonenumber as phone, glpi_enterprises.type as type, glpi_entities.ID AS entity"
307 | . " FROM glpi_contract_enterprise, glpi_enterprises "
308 | . " LEFT JOIN glpi_entities ON (glpi_entities.ID=glpi_enterprises.FK_entities) "
309 | . " WHERE glpi_contract_enterprise.FK_contract = '$instID' AND glpi_contract_enterprise.FK_enterprise = glpi_enterprises.ID"
310 | . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND","glpi_enterprises",'','',true) |
311 | . " ORDER BY glpi_entities.completename,name";
312 | |||
313 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
314 | $number = $DB->numrows($result); |
315 | $i = 0; |
316 | |||
317 | echo "<form method='post' action=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.form.php\">"; |
318 | echo "<br><br><div class='center'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; |
319 | echo "<tr><th colspan='6'>".$LANG["financial"][65].":</th></tr>"; |
320 | echo "<tr><th>".$LANG["financial"][26]."</th>"; |
321 | echo "<th>".$LANG["entity"][0]."</th>"; |
322 | echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][79]."</th>"; |
323 | echo "<th>".$LANG["help"][35]."</th>"; |
324 | echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][45]."</th>"; |
325 | echo "<th> </th></tr>"; |
326 | |||
327 | $used=array(); |
328 | while ($i < $number) { |
329 | $ID=$DB->result($result, $i, "ID"); |
330 | $website=$DB->result($result, $i, "glpi_enterprises.website"); |
331 | if (!empty($website)){ |
332 | $website=$DB->result($result, $i, "website"); |
333 | if (!ereg("https*://",$website)) $website="http://".$website; |
334 | $website="<a target=_blank href='$website'>".$DB->result($result, $i, "website")."</a>"; |
335 | } |
336 | $entID=$DB->result($result, $i, "entID"); |
337 | $entity=$DB->result($result, $i, "entity"); |
338 | $used[$entID]=$entID; |
339 | $entname=getDropdownName("glpi_enterprises",$entID); |
340 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; |
341 | echo "<td class='center'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/enterprise.form.php?ID=$entID'>".$entname; |
342 | if ($CFG_GLPI["view_ID"]||empty($entname)) echo " ($entID)"; |
343 | echo "</a></td>"; |
344 | echo "<td class='center'>".getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$entity)."</td>"; |
345 | echo "<td class='center'>".getDropdownName("glpi_dropdown_enttype",$DB->result($result, $i, "type"))."</td>"; |
346 | echo "<td class='center'>".$DB->result($result, $i, "phone")."</td>"; |
347 | echo "<td class='center'>".$website."</td>"; |
348 | echo "<td align='center' class='tab_bg_2'>"; |
349 | if ($canedit) |
350 | echo "<a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?deleteenterprise=deleteenterprise&ID=$ID&conID=$instID'><strong>".$LANG["buttons"][6]."</strong></a>"; |
351 | else echo " "; |
352 | echo "</td></tr>"; |
353 | $i++;
354 | } |
355 | if ($canedit){ |
356 | if ($contract->fields["recursive"]) { |
357 | $nb=countElementsInTableForEntity("glpi_enterprises",getEntitySons($contract->fields["FK_entities"])); |
358 | } else {
359 | $nb=countElementsInTableForEntity("glpi_enterprises",$contract->fields["FK_entities"]); |
360 | } |
361 | if ($nb>count($used)) { |
362 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td align='right' colspan='2'>"; |
363 | echo "<div class='software-instal'><input type='hidden' name='conID' value='$instID'>"; |
364 | if ($contract->fields["recursive"]) { |
365 | dropdown("glpi_enterprises","entID",1,getEntitySons($contract->fields["FK_entities"]),$used); |
366 | } else {
367 | dropdown("glpi_enterprises","entID",1,$contract->fields["FK_entities"],$used); |
368 | } |
369 | echo "</div></td><td class='center'>"; |
370 | echo "<input type='submit' name='addenterprise' value=\"".$LANG["buttons"][8]."\" class='submit'>"; |
371 | echo "</td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>"; |
372 | echo "</tr>"; |
373 | } |
374 | } |
375 | |||
376 | echo "</table></div></form>" ; |
377 | |||
378 | } |
379 | |||
380 | /**
381 | * Link a contract to an entreprise
382 | *
383 | * Link the contract $conID to the entreprise $ID witch device type is $type.
384 | *
385 | *@param $conID integer : contract identifier.
386 | *@param $ID integer : entreprise identifier.
387 | *
388 | *@return Nothing ()
389 | *
390 | **/
391 | function addEnterpriseContract($conID,$ID){ |
392 | global $DB; |
393 | if ($conID>0&&$ID>0){ |
394 | |||
395 | $query="INSERT INTO glpi_contract_enterprise (FK_contract,FK_enterprise ) VALUES ('$conID','$ID');"; |
396 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
397 | } |
398 | } |
399 | |||
400 | /**
401 | * Delete a contract entreprise
402 | *
403 | * Delete the contract entreprise $ID
404 | *
405 | *@param $ID integer : contract entreprise identifier.
406 | *
407 | *@return Nothing ()
408 | *
409 | **/
410 | function deleteEnterpriseContract($ID){ |
411 | |||
412 | global $DB; |
413 | $query="DELETE FROM glpi_contract_enterprise WHERE ID= '$ID';"; |
414 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
415 | } |
416 | |||
417 | /**
418 | * Get the entreprise identifier from a contract
419 | *
420 | * Get the entreprise identifier for the contract $ID
421 | *
422 | *@param $ID integer : Contract entreprise identifier
423 | *
424 | *@return integer enterprise identifier
425 | *
426 | **/
427 | function getContractEnterprises($ID){ |
428 | global $DB; |
429 | |||
430 | $query = "SELECT glpi_enterprises.* FROM glpi_contract_enterprise, glpi_enterprises WHERE glpi_contract_enterprise.FK_enterprise = glpi_enterprises.ID AND glpi_contract_enterprise.FK_contract = '$ID'"; |
431 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
432 | $out=""; |
433 | while ($data=$DB->fetch_array($result)){ |
434 | $out.= getDropdownName("glpi_enterprises",$data['ID'])."<br>"; |
435 | } |
436 | return $out; |
437 | } |
438 | |||
439 | /**
440 | * Print a select with contracts
441 | *
442 | * Print a select named $name with contracts options and selected value $value
443 | *
444 | * @param $name string : HTML select name
445 | * @param $entity_restrict Restrict to a defined entity
446 | * @param $alreadyused : already used contract, do not add to dropdown
447 | *
448 | *@return Nothing (display)
449 | *
450 | **/
451 | function dropdownContracts($name,$entity_restrict=-1,$alreadyused=array()){ |
452 | |||
453 | global $DB; |
454 | |||
455 | $entrest=""; |
456 | $idrest=""; |
457 | if ($entity_restrict>=0){ |
458 | $entrest=getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND","glpi_contracts","FK_entities",$entity_restrict,true); |
459 | } |
460 | if (count($alreadyused)) { |
461 | foreach ($alreadyused AS $ID) { |
462 | $idrest .= (empty($idrest) ? "AND ID NOT IN(" : ",") . "'".$ID."'"; |
463 | } |
464 | $idrest .= ")"; |
465 | } |
466 | $query = "SELECT * FROM glpi_contracts WHERE deleted = '0' $entrest $idrest ORDER BY FK_entities, begin_date DESC"; |
467 | $result=$DB->query($query); |
468 | echo "<select name='$name'>"; |
469 | echo "<option value='-1'>-----</option>"; |
470 | $prev=-1; |
471 | while ($data=$DB->fetch_array($result)){ |
472 | |||
473 | if ($data["device_countmax"]==0||$data["device_countmax"]>countElementsInTable("glpi_contract_device","FK_contract = '".$data['ID']."'" )){ |
474 | if ($data["FK_entities"]!=$prev) { |
475 | if ($prev>=0) { |
476 | echo "</optgroup>"; |
477 | } |
478 | $prev=$data["FK_entities"]; |
479 | echo "<optgroup label=\"". getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $prev) ."\">"; |
480 | } |
481 | echo "<option value='".$data["ID"]."'>"; |
482 | echo "#".$data["num"]." - ".convDateTime($data["begin_date"])." - ".$data["name"]; |
483 | echo "</option>"; |
484 | } |
485 | } |
486 | if ($prev>=0) { |
487 | echo "</optgroup>"; |
488 | } |
489 | |||
490 | echo "</select>"; |
491 | |||
492 | |||
493 | |||
494 | } |
495 | |||
496 | /**
497 | * Print an HTML array with contracts associated to a device
498 | *
499 | * Print an HTML array with contracts associated to the device identified by $ID from device type $device_type
500 | *
501 | *@param $device_type string : HTML select name
502 | *@param $ID integer device ID
503 | *@param $withtemplate='' not used (to be deleted)
504 | *
505 | *@return Nothing (display)
506 | *
507 | **/
508 | function showContractAssociated($device_type,$ID,$withtemplate=''){ |
509 | global $DB,$CFG_GLPI, $LANG; |
510 | |||
511 | if (!haveRight("contract_infocom","r")||!haveTypeRight($device_type,"r")) return false; |
512 | $canedit=haveRight("contract_infocom","w"); |
513 | |||
514 | $ci=new CommonItem(); |
515 | $ci->getFromDB($device_type,$ID); |
516 | |||
517 | $query = "SELECT glpi_contract_device.* " |
518 | ." FROM glpi_contract_device, glpi_contracts LEFT JOIN glpi_entities ON (glpi_contracts.FK_entities=glpi_entities.ID)"
519 | ." WHERE glpi_contracts.ID=glpi_contract_device.FK_contract AND glpi_contract_device.FK_device = '$ID' AND glpi_contract_device.device_type = '$device_type' "
520 | .getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND","glpi_contracts",'','',true)." ORDER BY glpi_contracts.name"; |
521 | |||
522 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
523 | $number = $DB->numrows($result); |
524 | $i = 0; |
525 | |||
526 | if ($withtemplate!=2) echo "<form method='post' action=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.form.php\">"; |
527 | echo "<br><br><div class='center'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; |
528 | echo "<tr><th colspan='8'>".$LANG["financial"][66].":</th></tr>"; |
529 | echo "<tr><th>".$LANG["common"][16]."</th>"; |
530 | echo "<th>".$LANG["entity"][0]."</th>"; |
531 | echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][4]."</th>"; |
532 | echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][6]."</th>"; |
533 | echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][26]."</th>"; |
534 | echo "<th>".$LANG["search"][8]."</th>"; |
535 | echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][8]."</th>"; |
536 | if ($withtemplate!=2)echo "<th> </th>"; |
537 | echo "</tr>"; |
538 | |||
539 | $contracts=array(); |
540 | while ($i < $number) { |
541 | $cID=$DB->result($result, $i, "FK_contract"); |
542 | $contracts[]=$cID; |
543 | $assocID=$DB->result($result, $i, "ID"); |
544 | $con=new Contract; |
545 | $con->getFromDB($cID); |
546 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1".($con->fields["deleted"]?"_2":"")."'>"; |
547 | echo "<td class='center'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.form.php?ID=$cID'><strong>".$con->fields["name"]; |
548 | if ($CFG_GLPI["view_ID"]||empty($con->fields["name"])) echo " (".$con->fields["ID"].")"; |
549 | echo "</strong></a></td>"; |
550 | echo "<td class='center'>".getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$con->fields["FK_entities"])."</td>"; |
551 | echo "<td class='center'>".$con->fields["num"]."</td>"; |
552 | echo "<td class='center'>".getDropdownName("glpi_dropdown_contract_type",$con->fields["contract_type"])."</td>"; |
553 | echo "<td class='center'>".getContractEnterprises($cID)."</td>"; |
554 | echo "<td class='center'>".convDate($con->fields["begin_date"])."</td>"; |
555 | echo "<td class='center'>".$con->fields["duration"]." ".$LANG["financial"][57]; |
556 | if ($con->fields["begin_date"]!=''&&$con->fields["begin_date"]!="0000-00-00") echo " -> ".getWarrantyExpir($con->fields["begin_date"],$con->fields["duration"]); |
557 | echo "</td>"; |
558 | |||
559 | if ($withtemplate!=2) { |
560 | echo "<td align='center' class='tab_bg_2'>"; |
561 | if ($canedit) { |
562 | echo "<a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.form.php?deleteitem=deleteitem&ID=$assocID&conID=$cID'><strong>".$LANG["buttons"][6]."</strong></a>"; |
563 | } else {
564 | echo " "; |
565 | } |
566 | echo "</td>"; |
567 | } |
568 | echo "</tr>"; |
569 | $i++;
570 | } |
571 | $q="SELECT * FROM glpi_contracts WHERE deleted='0' " |
572 | .getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND","glpi_contracts","FK_entities",$ci->obj->fields["FK_entities"],true);; |
573 | $result = $DB->query($q); |
574 | $nb = $DB->numrows($result); |
575 | |||
576 | if ($canedit){ |
577 | if ($withtemplate!=2 && $nb>count($contracts)){ |
578 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td align='right' colspan='3'>"; |
579 | echo "<div class='software-instal'><input type='hidden' name='item' value='$ID'><input type='hidden' name='type' value='$device_type'>"; |
580 | dropdownContracts("conID",$ci->obj->fields["FK_entities"],$contracts); |
581 | echo "</div></td><td class='center'>"; |
582 | echo "<input type='submit' name='additem' value=\"".$LANG["buttons"][8]."\" class='submit'>"; |
583 | echo "</td>"; |
584 | |||
585 | echo "<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>"; |
586 | } |
587 | } |
588 | echo "</table></div>"; |
589 | |||
590 | if ($withtemplate!=2) echo "</form>"; |
591 | } |
592 | |||
593 | |||
594 | /**
595 | * Print an HTML array with contracts associated to a enterprise
596 | *
597 | * Print an HTML array with contracts associated to the enterprise identified by $ID
598 | *
599 | *@param $ID integer device ID
600 | *
601 | *@return Nothing (display)
602 | *
603 | **/
604 | function showContractAssociatedEnterprise($ID){ |
605 | |||
606 | global $DB,$CFG_GLPI, $LANG,$CFG_GLPI; |
607 | if (!haveRight("contract_infocom","r")||!haveRight("contact_enterprise","r")) return false; |
608 | $ent=new Enterprise(); |
609 | $canedit=$ent->can($ID,'w'); |
610 | |||
611 | $query = "SELECT glpi_contracts.*, glpi_contract_enterprise.ID AS assocID, glpi_entities.ID AS entity" |
612 | . " FROM glpi_contract_enterprise, glpi_contracts "
613 | . " LEFT JOIN glpi_entities ON (glpi_entities.ID=glpi_contracts.FK_entities) "
614 | . " WHERE glpi_contract_enterprise.FK_enterprise = '$ID' AND glpi_contract_enterprise.FK_contract=glpi_contracts.ID"
615 | . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND","glpi_contracts",'','',true) |
616 | . " ORDER BY glpi_entities.completename, glpi_contracts.name";
617 | |||
618 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
619 | $number = $DB->numrows($result); |
620 | $i = 0; |
621 | |||
622 | echo "<form method='post' action=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/enterprise.form.php\">"; |
623 | echo "<br><br><div class='center'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; |
624 | echo "<tr><th colspan='7'>".$LANG["financial"][66].":</th></tr>"; |
625 | echo "<tr><th>".$LANG["common"][16]."</th>"; |
626 | echo "<th>".$LANG["entity"][0]."</th>"; |
627 | echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][4]."</th>"; |
628 | echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][6]."</th>"; |
629 | //echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][26]."</th>";
630 | echo "<th>".$LANG["search"][8]."</th>"; |
631 | echo "<th>".$LANG["financial"][8]."</th>"; |
632 | echo "<th> </th>"; |
633 | echo "</tr>"; |
634 | |||
635 | $used=array(); |
636 | while ($data=$DB->fetch_array($result)) { |
637 | $cID=$data["ID"]; |
638 | $used[$cID]=$cID; |
639 | $assocID=$data["assocID"];; |
640 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1".($data["deleted"]?"_2":"")."'>"; |
641 | echo "<td class='center'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/contract.form.php?ID=$cID'><strong>".$data["name"]; |
642 | if ($CFG_GLPI["view_ID"]||empty($data["name"])) echo " (".$data["ID"].")"; |
643 | echo "</strong></a></td>"; |
644 | echo "<td class='center'>".getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$data["entity"])."</td>"; |
645 | echo "<td class='center'>".$data["num"]."</td>"; |
646 | echo "<td class='center'>".getDropdownName("glpi_dropdown_contract_type",$data["contract_type"])."</td>"; |
647 | //echo "<td class='center'>".getContractEnterprises($cID)."</td>";
648 | echo "<td class='center'>".convDate($data["begin_date"])."</td>"; |
649 | echo "<td class='center'>".$data["duration"]." ".$LANG["financial"][57]; |
650 | if ($data["begin_date"]!=''&&$data["begin_date"]!="0000-00-00") echo " -> ".getWarrantyExpir($data["begin_date"],$data["duration"]); |
651 | echo "</td>"; |
652 | |||
653 | echo "<td align='center' class='tab_bg_2'>"; |
654 | if ($canedit) |
655 | echo "<a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/enterprise.form.php?deletecontract=deletecontract&ID=$assocID&entID=$ID'><strong>".$LANG["buttons"][6]."</strong></a>"; |
656 | else echo " "; |
657 | echo "</td></tr>"; |
658 | $i++;
659 | } |
660 | if ($canedit){ |
661 | if ($ent->fields["recursive"]) { |
662 | $nb=countElementsInTableForEntity("glpi_contracts",getEntitySons($ent->fields["FK_entities"])); |
663 | } else {
664 | $nb=countElementsInTableForEntity("glpi_contracts",$ent->fields["FK_entities"]); |
665 | } |
666 | |||
667 | if ($nb>count($used)){ |
668 | echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' colspan='5'>"; |
669 | echo "<div class='software-instal'><input type='hidden' name='entID' value='$ID'>"; |
670 | if ($ent->fields["recursive"]) { |
671 | dropdownContracts("conID",getEntitySons($ent->fields["FK_entities"]),$used); |
672 | } else {
673 | dropdownContracts("conID",$ent->fields['FK_entities'],$used); |
674 | } |
675 | echo "</div></td><td class='center'>"; |
676 | echo "<input type='submit' name='addcontract' value=\"".$LANG["buttons"][8]."\" class='submit'>"; |
677 | echo "</td>"; |
678 | |||
679 | echo "<td> </td></tr>"; |
680 | } |
681 | } |
682 | echo "</table></div>" ; |
683 | echo "</form>"; |
684 | |||
685 | } |
686 | /**
687 | * Cron action on contracts : alert depending of the config : on notice and expire
688 | *
689 | **/
690 | function cron_contract($display=false){ |
691 | global $DB,$CFG_GLPI,$LANG; |
692 | |||
693 | if (!$CFG_GLPI["mailing"]){ |
694 | return false; |
695 | } |
696 | |||
697 | loadLanguage($CFG_GLPI["default_language"]); |
698 | |||
699 | $message=array(); |
700 | $items_notice=array(); |
701 | $items_end=array(); |
702 | |||
703 | // Check notice
704 | $query="SELECT glpi_contracts.* |
705 | FROM glpi_contracts
706 | LEFT JOIN glpi_alerts ON (glpi_contracts.ID = glpi_alerts.FK_device
707 | AND glpi_alerts.device_type='".CONTRACT_TYPE."' |
708 | AND glpi_alerts.type='".ALERT_NOTICE."') |
709 | WHERE (glpi_contracts.alert & ".pow(2,ALERT_NOTICE).") >0 |
710 | AND glpi_contracts.deleted='0'
711 | AND glpi_contracts.begin_date IS NOT NULL
712 | AND glpi_contracts.duration <> '0'
713 | AND glpi_contracts.notice<>'0'
714 | AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL glpi_contracts.duration MONTH),CURDATE() )>0
715 | AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL (glpi_contracts.duration-glpi_contracts.notice) MONTH),CURDATE() )<0
716 | AND glpi_alerts.date IS NULL;";
717 | |||
718 | $result=$DB->query($query); |
719 | if ($DB->numrows($result)>0){ |
720 | while ($data=$DB->fetch_array($result)){ |
721 | if (!isset($message[$data["FK_entities"]])){ |
722 | $message[$data["FK_entities"]]=""; |
723 | } |
724 | if (!isset($items_notice[$data["FK_entities"]])){ |
725 | $items_notice[$data["FK_entities"]]=array(); |
726 | } |
727 | // define message alert
728 | $message[$data["FK_entities"]].=$LANG["mailing"][37]." ".$data["name"].": ".getWarrantyExpir($data["begin_date"],$data["duration"],$data["notice"])."<br>\n"; |
729 | $items_notice[$data["FK_entities"]][]=$data["ID"]; |
730 | } |
731 | } |
732 | |||
733 | // Check end
734 | $query="SELECT glpi_contracts.* FROM glpi_contracts LEFT JOIN glpi_alerts ON (glpi_contracts.ID = glpi_alerts.FK_device AND glpi_alerts.device_type='".CONTRACT_TYPE."' AND glpi_alerts.type='".ALERT_END."') WHERE (glpi_contracts.alert & ".pow(2,ALERT_END).") >0 AND glpi_contracts.deleted='0' AND glpi_contracts.begin_date IS NOT NULL AND glpi_contracts.duration <> '0' AND DATEDIFF( ADDDATE(glpi_contracts.begin_date, INTERVAL (glpi_contracts.duration) MONTH),CURDATE() )<0 AND glpi_alerts.date IS NULL;"; |
735 | |||
736 | $result=$DB->query($query); |
737 | if ($DB->numrows($result)>0){ |
738 | while ($data=$DB->fetch_array($result)){ |
739 | if (!isset($message[$data["FK_entities"]])){ |
740 | $message[$data["FK_entities"]]=""; |
741 | } |
742 | if (!isset($items_end[$data["FK_entities"]])){ |
743 | $items_end[$data["FK_entities"]]=array(); |
744 | } |
745 | |||
746 | // define message alert
747 | $message[$data["FK_entities"]].=$LANG["mailing"][38]." ".$data["name"].": ".getWarrantyExpir($data["begin_date"],$data["duration"])."<br>\n"; |
748 | $items_end[$data["FK_entities"]][]=$data["ID"]; |
749 | } |
750 | |||
751 | |||
752 | } |
753 | |||
754 | if (count($message)>0){ |
755 | foreach ($message as $entity => $msg){ |
756 | $mail=new MailingAlert("alertcontract",$msg,$entity); |
757 | if ($mail->send()){ |
758 | if ($display){ |
759 | addMessageAfterRedirect(getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$entity).": $msg"); |
760 | } |
761 | logInFile("cron",getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$entity).": $msg\n"); |
762 | |||
763 | // Mark alert as done
764 | $alert=new Alert(); |
765 | $input["device_type"]=CONTRACT_TYPE; |
766 | |||
767 | $input["type"]=ALERT_NOTICE; |
768 | if (isset($items_notice[$entity])){ |
769 | foreach ($items_notice[$entity] as $ID){ |
770 | $input["FK_device"]=$ID; |
771 | $alert->add($input); |
772 | unset($alert->fields['ID']); |
773 | } |
774 | } |
775 | $input["type"]=ALERT_END; |
776 | if (isset($items_end[$entity])){ |
777 | foreach ($items_end[$entity] as $ID){ |
778 | $input["FK_device"]=$ID; |
779 | $alert->add($input); |
780 | unset($alert->fields['ID']); |
781 | } |
782 | } |
783 | } else {
784 | if ($display){ |
785 | addMessageAfterRedirect(getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$entity).": Send contract alert failed"); |
786 | } |
787 | logInFile("cron",getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$entity).": Send contract alert failed\n"); |
788 | } |
789 | } |
790 | return 1; |
791 | } |
792 | return 0; |
793 | } |
794 | ?> |