ryxeo-glpi-git / plugins / anet_epacks / front / plugin_anet_epacks.view.php @ ce399d47
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (6,62 ko)
1 | b67d8923 | Eric Seigne | <?php
2 | |||
3 | // Génère le fichier ODT/PDF pour le revendeur avec son numéro de pack à utiliser. Ce fichier doit contenir un certain nombre d'informations (url pour enregistrer son pack etc.)
4 | |||
5 | if(!defined('GLPI_ROOT')){ |
6 | define('GLPI_ROOT', '../../..'); |
7 | } |
8 | include_once (GLPI_ROOT . "/inc/includes.php"); |
9 | |||
10 | commonHeader("anet_epacks",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],"config","plugins"); |
11 | |||
12 | $glpiid = $_SESSION['glpiID']; |
13 | |||
14 | global $DB; |
15 | $query = "SELECT name,FK_entities FROM glpi_profiles,glpi_users_profiles WHERE glpi_users_profiles.FK_users='" . $glpiid . "' |
16 | AND glpi_users_profiles.FK_profiles=glpi_profiles.ID";
17 | $result = $DB->query($query); |
18 | if($result) { |
19 | $data=$DB->fetch_array($result); |
20 | if($data['name'] == "revendeur") { |
21 | print "<h1>Liste synthétique de vos epacks</h1>"; |
22 | $entityid = $data['FK_entities']; |
23 | print "<p>Liste des epacks attribués: <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\">Tous</a> - <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?year=2008\">2008</a> - <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?year=2009\">2009</a> - <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?year=2010\">2010</a> - <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?year=2011\">2011</a>.</p>"; |
24 | |||
25 | //Les packs attribués
26 | //Permet de limiter un peu l'affichage, il faudra faire un système de recherche ou pagination à terme
27 | if($_GET['year']) |
28 | $condition = "AND YEAR(creation_date)='" . $_GET['year'] . "'"; |
29 | $query="SELECT e.*,g2.name as activation ,g3.name as client, g4.name as serveur FROM glpi_plugin_anet_epacks AS e |
30 | LEFT JOIN glpi_entities AS g2 ON FK_activation=g2.ID
31 | LEFT JOIN glpi_entities AS g3 ON FK_client=g3.ID
32 | LEFT JOIN glpi_computers AS g4 ON FK_serveur=g4.ID
33 | WHERE creation_date>'0000-00-00'
34 | AND e.FK_clientderyxeo='" . $entityid . "' |
35 | $condition
36 | ORDER BY activation,creation_date
37 | LIMIT 500;";
38 | //print $query;
39 | $result = $DB->query($query) or die($DB->error()); |
40 | |||
41 | print "<table class='tab_cadre' width='100%' cellpadding='2'>\n"; |
42 | print "<tr class='tab_bg_3'> |
43 | <td>#</td>
44 | <td>Création</td>
45 | <td>Activation</td>
46 | <td>Activé par</td>
47 | <td>Expiration</td>
48 | <td>Client final</td>
49 | <td>Code</td>
50 | <td>Documents</td>
51 | </tr>\n";
52 | for($i = 0; $i < $DB->numrows($result); $i++) { |
53 | $data=$DB->fetch_array($result); |
54 | print "<tr class='tab_bg_3'>\n"; |
55 | print " <td>". $i . "</td> |
56 | <td>" . $data['creation_date'] . "</td> |
57 | <td>" . $data['activation_date'] . "</td> |
58 | <td>" . $data['activation'] . "</td> |
59 | <td>" . $data['expiration_date'] . "</td> |
60 | 61a52590 | Eric Seigne | <td>" . $data['client'] . "<br />Serveur <a href=\"../../manageentity/index.php?active_entity=" . $data['FK_enduser'] . "\">" . $data['serveur'] . "</a></td> |
61 | b67d8923 | Eric Seigne | <td>" . $data['code'] . "</td> |
62 | <td> </td>
63 | </tr>\n";
64 | } |
65 | |||
66 | print "</table>"; |
67 | |||
68 | |||
69 | commonFooter(); |
70 | exit;
71 | } |
72 | } |
73 | |||
74 | checkRight("config","w"); |
75 | //checkSeveralRightsOr(array("config" => "w", "profile" => "w"));
76 | |||
77 | print "<p>Liste des epacks attribués: <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\">Tous</a> - <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?year=2008\">2008</a> - <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?year=2009\">2009</a> - <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?year=2010\">2010</a> - <a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?year=2011\">2011</a>.</p>"; |
78 | |||
79 | global $DB; |
80 | |||
81 | //Les packs attribués
82 | //Permet de limiter un peu l'affichage, il faudra faire un système de recherche ou pagination à terme
83 | if($_GET['year']) |
84 | $condition = "AND YEAR(creation_date)='" . $_GET['year'] . "'"; |
85 | $query="SELECT e.*,g.name as clientderyxeo ,g2.name as activation ,g3.name as client, g4.name as serveur FROM glpi_plugin_anet_epacks AS e LEFT JOIN glpi_entities AS g ON FK_clientderyxeo=g.ID |
86 | LEFT JOIN glpi_entities AS g2 ON FK_activation=g2.ID
87 | LEFT JOIN glpi_entities AS g3 ON FK_client=g3.ID
88 | LEFT JOIN glpi_computers AS g4 ON FK_serveur=g4.ID
89 | WHERE creation_date>'0000-00-00'
90 | $condition
91 | ORDER BY clientderyxeo,activation,creation_date
92 | LIMIT 500;";
93 | //print $query;
94 | $result = $DB->query($query) or die($DB->error()); |
95 | |||
96 | print "<table class='tab_cadre' width='100%' cellpadding='2'>\n"; |
97 | print "<tr class='tab_bg_3'> |
98 | <td>Nom</td>
99 | <td>Création</td>
100 | <td>Activation</td>
101 | <td>Activé par</td>
102 | <td>Expiration</td>
103 | <td>Client final</td>
104 | <td>Code</td>
105 | <td>Documents</td>
106 | </tr>\n";
107 | for($i = 0; $i < $DB->numrows($result); $i++) { |
108 | $data=$DB->fetch_array($result); |
109 | print "<tr class='tab_bg_3'>\n"; |
110 | print " <td>" . $data['clientderyxeo'] . "</td> |
111 | <td>" . $data['creation_date'] . "</td> |
112 | <td>" . $data['activation_date'] . "</td> |
113 | <td>" . $data['activation'] . "</td> |
114 | <td>" . $data['expiration_date'] . "</td> |
115 | 61a52590 | Eric Seigne | <td>" . $data['client'] . "<br />Serveur <a href=\"../../manageentity/index.php?active_entity=" . $data['FK_enduser'] . "\">" . $data['serveur'] . "</a></td> |
116 | b67d8923 | Eric Seigne | <td>" . $data['code'] . "</td> |
117 | ce399d47 | Eric Seigne | <td>\n";
118 | |||
119 | $ficepack="archives/" . $data['creation_date'] . "-" . $data['code'] . ".odt"; |
120 | if(!file_exists($ficepack)) |
121 | $ficepack="archives/" . str_replace("-","",$data['creation_date']) . "-" . $data['code'] . ".odt"; |
122 | |||
123 | print " |
124 | <a href=\"" . $ficepack . "\">ePack</a> (fichier initial) - <a href=\"plugin_anet_epacks.generate_odt_client2.form.php?code=" . $data['code'] . "\">Actualiser</a><br /> |
125 | b67d8923 | Eric Seigne | <a href=\"plugin_anet_epacks.generate_odt_activated.form.php?date=" . $data['activation_date'] . "&code=" . $data['code'] . "\">ePack activé</a> (après activation) <br /> |
126 | <a href=\"plugin_anet_epacks.generate_odt_activated.form.php?date=" . $data['activation_date'] . "&code=" . $data['code'] . "&mode=-avenant_contrat_partenaire_enr2009\">ePack activé pour un partenaire ENR2009</a> |
127 | </td>
128 | </tr>\n";
129 | } |
130 | |||
131 | print "</table>"; |
132 | |||
133 | print "<p>Liste des packs anonymes ...</p>\n"; |
134 | |||
135 | //Les packs anonymes
136 | $query="SELECT e.* FROM glpi_plugin_anet_epacks AS e |
137 | WHERE creation_date>'0000-00-00'
138 | AND FK_clientderyxeo='0'
139 | $condition
140 | LIMIT 500;";
141 | //print $query;
142 | $result = $DB->query($query) or die($DB->error()); |
143 | |||
144 | print "<table class='tab_cadre' width='100%' cellpadding='2'>\n"; |
145 | print "<tr class='tab_bg_3'> |
146 | <td>Nom</td>
147 | <td>Date de création du pack</td>
148 | <td>Date d'activation du pack</td>
149 | <td>Activé par</td>
150 | <td>Date d'expiration du pack</td>
151 | <td>Client final</td>
152 | <td>Code</td>
153 | <td>Documents</td>
154 | </tr>\n";
155 | for($i = 0; $i < $DB->numrows($result); $i++) { |
156 | $data=$DB->fetch_array($result); |
157 | print "<tr class='tab_bg_3'>\n"; |
158 | print " <td>" . $data['clientderyxeo'] . "</td> |
159 | <td>" . $data['creation_date'] . "</td> |
160 | <td>" . $data['activation_date'] . "</td> |
161 | <td>" . $data['activation'] . "</td> |
162 | <td>" . $data['expiration_date'] . "</td> |
163 | <td>" . $data['client'] . "</td> |
164 | <td>" . $data['code'] . "</td> |
165 | <td>
166 | <a href=\"archives/" . $data['creation_date'] . "-" . $data['code'] . ".odt\">ePack</a> (fichier initial)<br /> |
167 | <a href=\"plugin_anet_epacks.generate_odt_activated.form.php?date=" . $data['activation_date'] . "&code=" . $data['code'] . "\">ePack activé</a> (après activation) |
168 | </td>
169 | </tr>\n";
170 | } |
171 | |||
172 | print "</table>"; |
173 | |||
174 | |||
175 | commonFooter(); |
176 | ?> |