ryxeo-webphotoalbum-git / www / inc / comment_form.inc.php @ 67466a8d
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* The HTML contained in this file is valid XHTML 1.0 Strict
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echo "<div id=\"comment_block\">\n"; |
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<?php echo"<div id=\"showhideform\"><strong> " . __('Post a Comment') . "</strong>:"; ?> |
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<span class="comment_toggle"> |
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<?php echo"<a href=\"javascript:toggle_comment()\"><span id=\"showlink\">" . __('Show Form') . "</span><span id=\"hidelink\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __('Hide Form') . "</span></a>"; ?> |
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<div id="comment_form" style="display: none;"> |
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$this->form_start($ThisUrl, "post", NULL); |
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$this->input("text", "commentname", $username, __('Name:'), NULL, __('Enter your name.') ); |
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$this->input("checkbox", "savecommentname", "1", __('Remember Name:'), "yes", |
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__('Should the browser remember your name?'));
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$magic_number = random_digits(4); |
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//temporary. should generate an image instead
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echo "<div class=\"row\"><div class=\"control\">$magic_number</div></div>\n"; |
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$this->input("hidden", "commentkolacek", md5($magic_number), NULL, NULL, NULL); |
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$this->input("text", "commentspamcheck", "", __('Retype PIN Above:'), NULL, __('Enter the number shown above.')); |
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$this->input("textarea", "commentdata", "", __('Comment') . " :" , NULL, __('Allowed HTML tags: a,b,i,ul,li,blockquote,br.') ); |
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$this->input("submit", "", __('Send') , NULL, NULL, NULL); |
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