Feature - Fonctionnalité #13
[upstream] statistiques du temps passé par ticket (par intervenant)
Invalid - Invalide
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watch pour Nicolas.
cf forum http://glpi-project.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4286 My tickets processing is something like this: 1) Cliets assign tickets via phone/mail/web. (Ticked marked "New") 2) In 30 mins we assign ticket to responsible tech. user. (Ticket marked "Assigned") - solving started 3) In process of solving ticket there can be many states ("Transport", "Diagnostics" and such. things), but there is one special state - "Third Party". Time ticket being in state "Third party" excluded from total ticket solving time. 4) Ticket becomes "Solved" or "Unsolved" - solving finished. Time of solving = date(solving finished) - date(solving started) - duration_in_state("Third Party"); 5) Only client can "Close" (confirm solving/unsolving) for constant amount of time (5 days, for example). If client don't confirm ticket <in 5 days>, it confirmed automaticaly and marked special way. It's very nice to have such durations statistic. Bitrix CMS techsupport module can work in way like this, but not very good ;-) Can GLPI handle something like this?
#1 Mis à jour par Nicolas Sebrecht il y a environ 15 ans
- Priorité changé de Normale à Basse
#2 Mis à jour par Nicolas Sebrecht il y a environ 15 ans
- Statut changé de Assigned - En cours à New - Nouveau
- Assigné à
Nicolas Sebrechtsupprimé
#3 Mis à jour par Eric Seigne il y a plus de 14 ans
- % réalisé changé de 0 à 100
#4 Mis à jour par Eric Seigne il y a plus de 14 ans
- Statut changé de New - Nouveau à Invalid - Invalide